Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid, Ink on Vellum

Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid; Adelges cooleyi

This begins a series of new illustrations that are going to be included in my masters project. The project is a field guide for common insect pests of ornamental trees in NJ. Each pest will have either an illustration or a photograph to represent them. I would like this project to be done by this summer, so obviously if I don't have photographs yet, I will likely need to illustrate it. This is just the first 10, there will be many more to follow.

Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid, Ink on Vellum

Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid; Adelges abietis

Pine Leaf Aphid, Ink on Vellum

Pine Leaf Aphid; Pineus pinifoliae

White Pine Aphid, Ink on Vellum

White Pine Aphid; Cinara strobi

Southern Pine Beetle, Ink on Vellum

Southern Pine Beetle; Dendroctonus frontalis

Eastern Pine Shoot Borer, Ink on Vellum

Eastern Pine Shoot Borer; Eucosma gloriola

Spruce Budworm, Ink on Vellum

Spruce Budworm; Choristoneura fumiferana

Hemlock Looper, Ink on Vellum

Hemlock Looper; Lambdina fiscellaria

Taxus Mealybug, Ink on Vellum

Taxus Mealybug; Dysmicoccus wistariae

Pine Tussock Moth, Ink on Vellum

Pine Tussock Moth; Dasychira pinicola